Build an E-Learning Platform like Udemy and Dominate Your Niche

Decided to build an e-learning platform like Udemy? Discover helpful steps and tips for developing and promoting your course marketplace.


In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world, education has become a critical component for businesses of all sizes to thrive. Small businesses, in particular, need to ensure their employees are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to stay ahead of the competition. However, traditional learning methods can be expensive and time-consuming, making it challenging to invest in their workforce. 

This is where e-learning comes in. The rise of online education has made it easier than ever for people to access various resources and gain new skills from the comfort of their own homes or any other place. That’s why e-learning platforms like Udemy have taken the market by storm, providing a course marketplace for both teachers and students. 

The global online education market is expected to reach $370 billion by 2026, up from an estimated $101 billion in 2019. This presents a significant opportunity for startups and small businesses to tap into the growing demand and expand their influence. It is a great way to diversify your services and provide value to your customers. Moreover, if you already have an offline educational platform, you can take it to new heights by using web resources.

In this article, we’ll take a comprehensive look at how to create a virtual classroom that will help you and the students achieve your goals.

What is online learning?

It is a web platform that provides access to educational resources, content, and courses. The topics can be different: from foreign languages to app development. It allows people to get educational materials from anywhere in the world, at any time. They can complete assessments, and interact with instructors and other learners. Other companies also use these tools to provide online education and training for their staff.

Create an e-learning platform to expand your influence

Online course landing page by Jawad

Why you should create an e-learning platform like Udemy

Creating a course marketplace can provide you with a variety of benefits. Firstly, it can help you expand your reach and tap into new spheres. You will be able to attract a new target audience and provide value to your existing customers. Secondly, online learning tools can be a great way to monetize your expertise. If you are an expert in a particular field, you can create courses and content that others are willing to pay for. Finally, it can provide passive income. Once created, this business can continue to generate revenue without huge additional effort.

Now, why Udemy? It is one of the most popular e-learning platforms that offer a wide variety of courses on various topics, including business, technology, and personal development. There are several reasons why it has become so widespread:

  • Large course selection: it offers lots of courses, with over 213,000 of them available as of 2023. People can choose from a broad range of topics, from programming and web development to marketing and UI/UX design.
  • User-friendly platform: elegant course delivery makes it easy for learners to navigate and find the topic they need. The website is well-designed, with clear descriptions, ratings, and reviews, so the users can make informed decisions about which deals to take.
  • Affordable pricing: Udemy’s pricing is also a factor in its popularity. Many courses are available at a very affordable price point, which makes them accessible to a broader range of people. Additionally, the company often runs promotions and discounts, further increasing its affordability.
  • High-quality instructors: educational resources are created and taught by experienced and knowledgeable instructors. The platform provides an opportunity for anyone with expertise in a particular subject to share their knowledge and monetize their skills.
  • Certification: Udemy offers certification for many of its courses, which can add value to a learner’s resume and career prospects. This makes it an attractive option for professionals looking to upskill or reskill in their careers.

Creating a plan for your future virtual classroom

Just like with any other project, you need to create a detailed business plan first. Start with an executive summary. Use this to provide a brief overview of the project and its overall objectives. Don’t forget to include the key elements of the project, such as the goals, objectives, and timeline. After you have all the basics, switch to the next steps:

Define your target audience

The first step in creating an e-learning platform is to define your target audience. Who are the people that will be using your platform? What are their needs and interests? Defining this will help you create courses and content that are relevant and valuable to them. What’s more, when it comes to finding your audience, demographics play an important role. By identifying key data points such as gender, age, education, family size, and income, you can tailor your messaging to better resonate with your potential clients.

Identify your niche

Once you have defined your target audience, the next step is to find your niche. What area of expertise or subject matter will your course marketplace focus on? Choosing a specific niche will help you differentiate your product from competitors and attract a dedicated audience.

Set up a budget

Creating an e-learning platform requires investment. You will need money for web development, course creation, marketing, and support. Set a budget that is realistic for your business and stick to it. If you want to know approximate numbers, you can use special tools for calculating app design costs. With their help, you can discover how many resources are required for design, development, branding, etc.

Establish a revenue model

Decide how you will make money from your virtual classroom. Udemy and other online learning tools have adopted a freemium model, where users can access some content for free and pay for premium content. Alternatively, you may choose to charge a subscription fee or sell courses individually.

Develop an app for online education

Classes – online course mobile app by Muhammad Zaini

Building your educational platform

Choose a time-proven provider

The first step in creating e-learning software is to choose a platform provider. There are many options available, including learning management systems (LMS) like Moodle, and course marketplace platforms. Consider the features, cost, and scalability of each option before making a decision.

Select essential services and features

Once you have chosen the provider, consider the services and features that people would like to see in your product. Divide options into essential and non-essential, so you know what things you need to concentrate on more. The features may include a virtual classroom, course creation tools, assessments, rewards, and analytics.

Design the educational resources

Design your e-learning platform to be user-friendly and visually appealing. Use a consistent design language throughout the platform, and make sure it is optimized for mobile devices.

Discovering technical requirements

An e-learning platform like Udemy has a wide range of technical requirements to ensure it’s scalable and secure. Here are some important considerations:

  • Platform architecture: Choose a scalable architecture that allows you to add new features and functionality as your project grows. Think about using cloud-based services like AWS or Azure for flexibility and scalability.
  • Content delivery network (CDN): Use a CDN to ensure fast course delivery to learners, regardless of their location. This can help improve user experience and reduce server load.
  • Data security: Make sure that user data is safe by using encryption and implementing complex authentication mechanisms. Consider implementing multi-factor authentication to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Payment processing: Add a secure payment processing system that complies with industry standards like PCI DSS. This can help protect user payment data and prevent fraud.
  • User management: Consider including functionality that allows learners to create accounts, manage their profile information, and track their progress. This can help improve the user experience and increase engagement.
  • Testing and quality assurance: Conduct thorough testing and quality assurance to identify and fix bugs and ensure smooth interaction. It’s a good idea to try out automated testing to reduce time and effort.

By considering these technical requirements, you can create a secure and scalable web platform that provides a high-quality learning experience for people.

Make sure to build complex learning management system

SkillUp – online training platform by Bogdan Falin

Adding engaging and interactive content

Neat programming code is just halfway. To attract and retain users, you have to offer high-quality online course content that actually shows positive results and is interesting to take.

Develop course structure

Create a structure that is clear and easy to follow. Divide your courses into modules with increasing difficulty and include small tests along the way to help learners gauge their progress.

Utilize audio and video

Audio and video content can be powerful tools in e-learning. Use these tools to create engaging and interactive content that helps people grasp complex concepts. Consider using screencasts or live demonstrations to show students how to perform specific tasks.

Incorporate assessments

Assessments are an important part of online learning. They help students test their knowledge and reinforce concepts. Consider including quizzes, exams, and assignments to test people’s understanding of the material and see the weak spots.

Promoting your course marketplace

Once you build the platform, it’s time to let the world know about it. However, there should be a consistent marketing strategy in order to win the place under the sun and keep it. Here are some opportunities you can consider:

Establish a marketing plan

Think about what features you want to promote. They should attract potential learners. Consider what ways you will use for promotion and stick to your plan no matter what. Also, keep an eye on emerging trends and crazes and put them to good use.

Leverage social media

Social media is a powerful tool for spreading the word about your e-learning platform. Use platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to reach your target audience and encourage them to take your courses.

Add assessments to your e-learning software

E-learning dashboard by Nasim

Employ influencer marketing

Influencers carry authority among your potential clients and can assist you in reaching new learners. By partnering with famous people, you will promote your courses and improve the company’s reputation.

Maintain and update

Once your online course marketplace is up and running, you need to maintain and update it regularly. This includes fixing bugs, updating content, and improving the user experience. Additionally, you should monitor feedback from your learners and make changes accordingly.

Build a community

Finally, people need a place where they can ask questions, interact with each other, and practice. That’s why building a community around your e-learning platform can help you retain learners and attract new ones. Create a forum or group where people can interact and improve their skills together. Also, encourage teachers to collaborate with their learners and offer feedback.


No doubt that creating an e-learning platform like Udemy is hard, but it’s a great way to diversify your business and provide value to your customers. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can build a product that provides a great learning experience and generates revenue for your company. Don’t be daunted by the challenges: remember to focus on your target audience, create engaging content, and promote your platform to reach a wider audience. With the right strategy and execution, your online courses can become a valuable asset to your business.

Do you want to build your own web platform? Contact us and we will create a high-quality service that provides everything your audience needs.

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