Extending development

We introduce highly trained developers, PMs, and designers to the projects in business and entertainment. Outstaffing is the next level of outsourcing.

If your project calls for a versatile numerous collective for a prolonged period of time with no legal hustle, you can hire our outstaffing or outsourcing development team.

development solutions

Our specialized development team assesses all project factors to meet your unique needs

Fits into your brand

Our team integrates seamlessly with your brand, ensuring that every development effort aligns with your vision and values.

Takes care of production

From concept to deployment, we manage the entire production process, delivering high-quality results on time and within budget.

Warrants every file and idea

We guarantee the security and integrity of every file and idea, providing peace of mind with our attention to detail and robust protection measures.


Days or less to pack your team


Day to disband the team with no trouble


Members if needed, all roles


Fixing budget, Fixing date, Flexing resource

The process

We guide you through each step of identifying the right talent, integrating them seamlessly into your team, and ensuring top-quality work to drive your project’s success

  • Step 1

    Head hunting

    Among thousands of software developers for hire, we look for the ones who fit the client`s culture, ethics, and mindset. Technical skills are a prerequisite.

  • Step 2


    We are committed to becoming an offshore development center that`s why we invest in our facilities.

  • Step 3


    We know how to build a software development team, and how to effectively run it for years. We require minimal input from the client`s side to integrate the team into their business.

  • Step 4


    Hiring an outstaffing team is more expensive than hiring a web developer. However, the quality of the extended development team end product is incomparable to that of a contractor`s work.

  • Step 5


    Since there is no such thing as a done project, after the launch we commit the team or a part of it to maintaining the product, delivering updates, and making sure it doesn`t ever fail.

video poster

Our extended team guarantees

Our approach is client-specific. We evaluate all the factors and attributes of each individual project, so our offshore extended team model is unique for every company, however, we follow the general guidelines in strategy selection and involvement.



Up to 3 dedicated engineers to perform startup and small business tasks.


Mid Size Extension

4 to 10 employees of different specialties to handle the middle niche company goals.


Enterprise Package

10+ full-stack developers, designers, Q&A engineers and project managers for greater firms.

Our extended team gives you

Comprehensive flexibility and exceptional support for your project’s successful execution, all while meeting your specific needs with precision

Constant and clear reports of hours and output

Whether you decide to track the time or evaluate the results, the team will adapt.

No fluctuations

We don't make revolving doors. It's hard to get into a team but once you're in, you're in. We vouch for our people.

Staff cohesion

We don't call a group of freelancers a 'team'. We select our teams of developers and other professionals based on the project but also chemistry.

Autonomy and anonymity

Your home team will do their thing while we will do ours. We can work together or autonomously depending on your needs.

Common success, common responsibility

An extended team is responsible for the entire project’s success, not a patch of it.

Full social compliance

Hiring an offshore software development team is a risky business because of cultural differences. We comply with our clients' social policies and follow them inviolately.