E-learning Software Development That Sparks Interest In Education

You have a concept — we have the means for its implementation. Make a business that will bring money and utility to other people. Let`s create a unique and engaging product that will become a beacon for those who are hungry for knowledge.

E-learning application development

E-learning application development
E-learning application development

Mobile apps like Duolingo or Coursera have around 37 million active users monthly. To make software that popular, you will need an experienced team of developers and designers. Shakuro has been working with iOS and Android for more than 14 years, creating products of various complexity. During e-learning software development, we use the best features of both platforms. Our teams stick to the latest trends and practices in the industry to build a solid-looking app or website that corresponds to the client`s requirements and desires.

E-learning website development

E-learning website development
E-learning website development

A website is a go-to option if you want to build a platform with almost no technical restrictions whatsoever. Apart from connecting teachers and students, it serves as a key marketing tool where people discover more about the company. The Shakuro team uses trusted technologies like Ruby on Rails or WordPress to create robust web platforms with solid designs. Although we strive for uniqueness, we still keep a balance between innovation and cost efficiency.

Custom e-learning development

Custom e-learning development
Custom e-learning development

To attract more people and retain them, your application has to offer peerless features. Not everyone likes to study, so you can improve motivation and entertainment by spicing up your product with gamification, achievements, and other things. Such features require a custom development approach. The Shakuro team is experienced in working with complex tools and high-end frameworks while still maintaining product integrity. We provide extensive quality assurance testing for such features to ensure the best result.


Why custom design is crucial for e-learning apps

There are high chances people won`t notice your product because of the competitors, despite cool features. To win the race, it should have an outstanding design and a `wow` effect while still representing the company`s brand and message. Twice-told solutions will just water down the creativity, that`s why you need to go for a custom e-learning design. Skilled specialists will research, discover the latest UI/UX trends, and mix them with proven methods to create software with a `soul` corresponding to the company`s values and codex.

Advantages of e-learning app development

E-learning applications and platforms are a very lucrative market. At the same time, they bear a noble goal to help people level up their knowledge to make great achievements or even change their lives. Consider developing one if:

You run an educational business

A well-designed app allows you to spread the influence further, erasing physical limitations or boundaries. People from all over the world will be able to sign up for your courses, therefore, it will be a valuable source of user statistics, feedback, and data. If you already have an e-learning website, it will create a perfect tandem with the application. This is a great base for increasing business growth and total revenue and providing new possibilities for users.

You run an educational business

You want to enter the e-learning market

It`s a perfect idea for a startup or business expansion: about 42% of companies increased their revenue after kickstarting such software and web platforms. Apart from getting new customers, you can establish partnerships with other businesses that require educational services for their staff. Moreover, this is a great opportunity to find a niche for future projects. With time, you can grow into a large company with vast educational services.

You want to enter the e-learning market

You want to revamp the e-learning app

If you already have one, but it has an out-of-date toolkit and designs, then you are losing a huge cut of the revenue. By adding features or courses that are in demand and overhauling UI/UX, you can gain the money back or even increase your earnings. Apart from design, it`s wise to fix the old bugs as well as improve the platform. As a result, people will notice your creation, spread the word, and help the business growth.

You want to revamp the e-learning app

Our values

The principles described below create a base for our codex. All team members in Shakuro have a shared understanding of the company`s values and follow them during the e-learning development.

High quality of work & constant improvement

We always strive to provide pro-level services. That`s why we are forever learners too. Our developers and designers stay up to date with the latest UI/UX trends, cutting-edge tools, and practices. Moreover, they have experience applying the gained knowledge in various projects and contexts. As a result, the app or website has a solid user flow and great storytelling.

User-driven design

Predicting people`s actions is a must in e-learning software. Users should feel comfortable and enjoy using the app while making discoveries. Our team does its best to create a convenient app with an excellent user experience and a friendly atmosphere. The software offers familiar behaviors that don`t confuse users, thanks to extensive surveys and analytics.

Our clients are our partners

We believe that our success depends on the success of the product we create. Therefore, we think of business relations as partnerships that allow both sides to level up their knowledge. While developing an e-learning application, our team members answer all clients` questions, suggest alternative solutions and provide full support along the way.

Flexible workflow & versatility

Risk management is an integral part of app development. That`s why we do our best to predict possible issues and adapt to sudden changes while still keeping the initial concept. At the same time, our teams respect any set deadlines: we all know time is crucial for e-learning courses. We help the software stay in the flow with all education trends to become viable from day one.