Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to build and launch my app or website?

The time taken to build an app or a website is directly proportional to its type and complexity. Based on the needs of your business, the amount of time it takes to create an app might be somewhere between several weeks to a year with an even wider difference in the case of websites when a simple promotional page takes about three weeks to be made while complex projects may require over a year of development time and much more.

Whatever the case, we have experience working on time-sensitive projects and are ready to present you with a customized timeline for your specific project so as not to lose the benefits of good timing.

What’s your development process like?

Basically, our development process for mobile apps as well as for websites involves these main phases:

Discovery — when we analyze information about your project and its goals, ideas, features, background, and other business aspects, resulting in the documentation where we state our approach during the next phases.

Design — it’s a complex phase consisting of multiple and connected parts depending on the goals of a project. It’s when user experience and user interface design get established, aiming for a functional product with a polished look.

Development — a phase that starts when the previous one is approved and developers receive design files and start their work on the back end and front end. We use various agile iterative approaches dividing work into sprints with a demo at the end of each of them.

Launch — happens only when all the work on previous stages is done and all the components are fully functional and thoroughly tested. We deploy the source code to production servers and, in the case of mobile applications, help you successfully submit your app to app stores.

You can read more about our approaches to developing web and mobile applications on our iOS Development, Android Development, Web Development, and UI/UX Design pages.

How does communication work?

Communication is crucial for a smooth flow of a project and ensuring that your every requirement is fulfilled exactly the way you want.

Just before the project begins, we will hold a kick-off meeting with team members where we are going to establish a communication plan that’s comfortable for you including the best time for further meetings for us to report the progress and discuss the work, their regularity, and means of communication.

Usually, we have these meetings weekly or biweekly though it really depends on how much you want to be involved in the process. Our experience as a web and app development agency made us welcome as much dedication as possible, as it generally helps to do things quicker. You can contact your project manager as often as you see it fit.

Can you build apps for iOS as well as for Android?

Yes, as an app development agency, we have huge experience in building native mobile applications for iOS and Android platforms.

We develop applications of any complexity and approach each project individually, relying on our experience and the best solutions with similar functionality. For more detailed information, take a look at our iOS and Android pages.

Should I choose web, native, cross-platform, or hybrid development?

It is highly dependent on your goals and your product features. There’s no way to give an answer without knowing the details as there’s no “good” or “bad” technology, each of them has its benefits and drawbacks. This is what the discovery phase of the development process exists for.

Native apps are those that are developed specifically for their particular platform, iOS or Android, using their native languages and libraries to organically fit into any device. They are the most common type of apps and the best as to their performance and speed. They are your choice if you want custom features, speed, and reliability.

Cross-platform applications are those that can run on multiple platforms and are developed through a shared operating environment. They can be developed faster and cheaper than native apps but lacking the tools and support of Apple and Google, they lag behind native technologies in terms of functionality, responsiveness, and user experience.

Web apps are designed to work in a browser, like websites. They are well-suited for small-scale solutions that require easy updates but don't require any access to the device's native abilities.

Hybrid apps combine elements of native and web apps. They are a good choice if you already have a website and want to check whether a full-fledged mobile application would be popular among customers.

We are an app design and development agency that considers quality as the top priority. For this reason, we focus on native app development while also building web and hybrid apps. The digital products we create are made to deliver a high standard of UI/UX and performance.

Write to us and we’ll be able to suggest what option is best for you.

Do you do branding?

Yes, we do and if you're looking for a branding and design agency that’s prepared to go to the bottom of it, you’ve come to the right place. We think that today’s consumer purchases not a product itself, but emotions and impressions associated with it. Thanks to the original visual strategy and individual style, a brand made by professionals is always more recognizable, has a special expressive voice, thus attracting attention and retaining loyal customers. We do just that, you can find some examples on our Branding and Identity design page.

One of them is about our branding services for the SELECT membership community. After we created a new look for them, the mobile app rose from a 3.8 rating to a 4.8 rating in the App Store and got a lot of positive reviews that attracted new customers, and it’s just part of the results.

What about design and user experience?

Being a digital design agency, UI/UX design of web and mobile applications is one of our main services. We have an entire team of designers and illustrators that know how to take a creative idea and develop it into a successful world-class web or mobile product. With a team of our talented UI and UX designers, you’ll be able to give your target audience a unique user experience that will captivate them from the get-go. See our Dribbble page for examples.

Illustrations and animations became one of the main trends in design in recent years. Graphics we create are a working way to stand out, they are suitable for brand communication in any channel, more flexible and inventive than photos.

Can you help me with redesigning my project?

Yes! This is one of our favorite things to do. We love to find ways to make existing products shine brighter and attract new audiences. We modernize the websites and apps taking into account modern trends in interface design and usability.

After we created a new website for the Arthur W. Page Society association, it experienced an over 60% increase in usage. The redesigned CGMA e-learning platform can now boast a far more engaging educational process, it’s much more feature-packed and powerful, with better feedback from users of all categories.

Do you provide ongoing support, maintenance, and updates?

Launching a mobile app or website is just the beginning. Your digital product is a living and breathing entity that needs constant attention, so our web and app development capabilities cover ongoing maintenance as well. We have maintenance programs that include the allocation of designers’ or developers’ time for the ongoing maintenance of current projects and adding new features to them. We are ready to support your project at every stage of its development to make it flourish and minimize the possibilities for performance issues, security threats, and unnecessary downtime.

Do I own the code?

Yes, you are the owner of intellectual property. We are a hired company which means that retaining any rights to code and designs we create for you is not our purpose. Once our services are fully paid for, you can do with the results whatever you want to, including taking them to other developers and designers. Our code is well-structured, clean, very readable, and easy to maintain.

Do you have any extra costs I should be aware of?

You needn’t worry about the possibility of sudden extra expenses, our development processes are very transparent, and we are always ready to provide you any necessary information and welcome a high level of client involvement in the processes. In case the need for budget adjustment arises due to new features you’d like to add to your product, for example, you’ll be notified about it during one of the regular meetings.

Are you able to work with my existing team?

Yes, some of our successfully supported projects include doing only a separate part of a job like UI/UX design or front-end development, while other parts get done by our clients’ teams in close collaboration with ours.

We also provide outstaffing services and are able to extend your development team with any number of experienced project managers, developers, designers, and QA engineers. One of the examples of such long-term cooperation is partnering with the Tenengroup company which is one of the largest e-commerce companies in Israel. They have us as an outstaffed technical expert team of front- and backend developers and QA engineers.

What programming languages and frameworks do you use?

Since the creation of our company in 2006, we have worked and experimented with a multitude of tools and technologies finding the balance between popular and tested solutions and choosing new, promising, and powerful approaches.

Successful web and mobile products have a robust and scalable back end and a front end that is capable of attracting users with its design and functionality. We use Swift, Java, and Kotlin for most mobile app projects, and Ruby on Rails, C#, React, Angular, TypeScript, and a variety of other frameworks for back- and front-end development.

There is more information on technical details on our Mobile App Development and Website Development pages.