2024’s E-Learning Trends: Startup Insights

Explore the trends in e-learning for 2024 to strengthen your online education services and get ahead of your competitors.


How can I ensure my e-learning platform is not just relevant but cutting-edge in 2024? What are the trends and technologies that will drive engagement and retention for my users? If these questions resonate with you, you’re not alone. The EdTech arena is a dynamic battlefield; every startup and product owner faces these challenges head-on.

But fret not, because, in this article, we’re about to unveil insights that will not only ease your pains but help propel your venture to new heights. We’ll delve deep into the e-learning trends for 2024, offering you a strategic roadmap to navigate the evolving terrain successfully.

So, if you’re ready to transform your online educational platform into a powerhouse of innovation, engage your users like never before, and chart a course for growth that’s backed by cutting-edge tendencies, read on.

e-learning platform

E-learning Education Web Platform by Conceptzilla

Is e-learning still a growing industry?

Last year, the market experienced significant growth. The global size reached $399 billion USD, and it continues to expand rapidly. The reason for the growth is an increasing demand for digital learning solutions across various industries.

What’s more, the sphere is not limited to specific regions; it has gained widespread adoption worldwide. So students from diverse backgrounds and countries can access high-quality education and training resources.

E-learning has become the preferred method for corporate training, with organizations recognizing its cost-effectiveness and flexibility. With its help, the employees upskill and reskill conveniently, which leads to improved workforce performance. As a result, continuous learning will become the norm as professionals seek continuous skill development to stay competitive in their respective industries.

What are the learning trends for 2024?

Just like in many industries, there are tendencies that stay relevant for several years, and expand to offer new opportunities. Let’s see what crazes expect us in 2024.

Immersive learning with AR and VR

It is a transformative approach to education that leverages advanced technologies to create highly engaging and interactive experiences. They provide users with simulated environments or overlays of digital information in the real world, enhancing their understanding and retention of educational content. 

Augmented reality in learning helps students better understand spatial relationships and complex concepts. For example, in engineering or architecture, people can use VR to explore and manipulate 3D models of structures or designs.

While the initial setup of such systems is expensive, they can save you money by reducing the need for physical training materials, travel, and equipment maintenance.

Many companies and educational institutions have already embraced virtual reality in education to enhance experiences. For example, Google’s Expeditions app allows you to take students on virtual field trips using VR headsets. It provides a library of 360-degree panoramic images and 3D objects that correspond to various educational topics. Another one is Labster. It is a company that offers virtual labs for science education. In their VR labs, students conduct experiments and explore scientific concepts in a safe and immersive virtual environment.

E-learning platform with video features

CGMA e-learning platform by Shakuro

AI-driven learning

Artificial Intelligence is still a trend in e-learning because it helps you personalize content and provide intelligent recommendations. AI can analyze student data, adapt content to individual needs, provide real-time feedback, and offer insights to educators.

In 2024, smart algorithms will reach a new level. Regular chatbots transform into AI-powered tutors that chat with students, answer their questions, adapt to their skill level, and give feedback on the go. The main source of this innovation is language learning apps, where such tutors can offer speaking practice.

Thanks to this EdTech trend, automation will also play a significant role in streamlining administrative tasks, allowing learners and trainers to focus on more critical aspects of education.

As for the companies that have adopted Artificial Intelligence in education, there are several of them. Coursera, one of the largest online education platforms, uses it to personalize course recommendations and assessments. They also offer AI-powered features like automated grading for assignments and quizzes. ScribeSense uses smart algorithms to grade handwritten assignments and provide instant feedback to students and teachers. It can analyze handwriting, mathematics, and other subjects.

Continuous learning

We already mentioned this e-learning trend above. People keep acquiring new soft and hard skills throughout their whole life to stay competitive. So education turns out to be an ongoing, lifelong process rather than something limited to a specific period of life. That’s why the studying process will seamlessly integrate into the daily workflow, where essential resources are available when and where they are needed the most.

LinkedIn is a well-known social network. Its Learning offers a vast library of online courses and video tutorials that cover a wide range of professional topics. The platform encourages continuous studying and skill development to help users advance in their careers.

e-learning trends

E-learning Platform Website by Conceptzilla

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training

This trend is a type of educational program designed to promote and foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in workplaces, educational institutions, and other organizations. DEI training aims to create a more inclusive and equitable environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds, including different races, ethnicities, genders, abilities, and other characteristics, feel respected, valued, and empowered.

This type of training can take various forms, including workshops, seminars, online courses, one-on-one coaching, and ongoing programs. However, it is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires commitment and sustained effort to create lasting change.

Google has been a leader in DEI efforts, offering extensive digital learning to promote diversity and inclusion in its workforce. They have also made their unconscious bias training materials available to the public.


Custom e-learning development is moving towards hyper-personalization. In 2024, businesses will tailor educational content, experiences, and resources to meet the specific needs, preferences, and styles of individual students. It goes beyond traditional one-size-fits-all approaches to education and leverages technology, data analytics, and AI to create highly customized journeys for each student.

Several companies and platforms incorporate this trend into their processes. Coursera is a prominent online platform that offers personalized course recommendations and adaptive assessments. Similar to Coursera, edX provides personalized paths and adaptive content to cater to individual learners’ needs.


Blockchain technology benefits education by ensuring secure, tamper-resistant data storage. This means easy verification of credentials, data privacy, and transparency. It decentralizes platforms, automates processes with smart contracts, reduces fraud, and fosters global recognition of educational achievements.

Some companies and institutions are integrating blockchain trends into Learning Management Systems (LMS) to enhance the security and transparency of learner data, grades, and achievements. This can improve the trust and integrity of educational records.

2024 trend in e-learning

Online Education Website Design by Shakuro


They are short, focused courses or programs that offer certification for specific skills, knowledge, or competencies in a particular subject area. They are flexible and convenient, so people can acquire targeted skills without committing to a full degree program.

 This 2024 trend often comes with a digital badge or certificate upon completion. These digital credentials can be showcased on resumes, LinkedIn profiles, or other professional platforms, helping students demonstrate their expertise to potential employers. Some courses offer academic credit that people can apply toward a degree program if they choose to pursue further education.

EdX offers a wide range of microcredentials in collaboration with universities and institutions. They cover various subjects and enhance specific skills and knowledge.

What is the future of e–learning?

After the pandemic, it has become a thriving industry since most of the institutions switched to digital services. With rising AI and smart algorithms, online education will only continue to grow. Here is your chance to hop into the hype train and offer people your product. 

And this is why you should stay with the flow of the latest trends in e-learning. Using them to your advantage, you can strengthen the educational services and provide more opportunities to the students. This power will help you beat the rivals and find a place under the sun. 

Contact us and let’s work together on a functional educational app that helps people get new skills.

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