Rust vs Python: A Developer’s Guide to Selecting the Right Language

Rust or Python – what to choose for your next project? Read this comparison guide to get rid of any doubts and pick the language that suits your needs.


As a junior developer, stepping into the vast world of programming languages can feel like navigating a maze without a map. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of your path. Which language will help you resolve your struggles, build your confidence, and enhance your career prospects?

Two prominent contenders are Rust and Python, each boasting unique strengths that cater to different needs. Join us in exploring the Rust vs Python comparison, and find out which one aligns with your aspirations and projects. We’ll unravel this puzzle together, so you can tackle the next step in your programming journey with clarity and purpose!

Let’s start with the definition — what is Rust language?

What is Rust?

It is a systems programming language focusing on speed, memory safety, and parallelism. Graydon Hoare started developing Rust as a personal project while working at Mozilla Research in 2006. Since 2009, it has been funded by Mozilla. After its release, the language quickly gained popularity due to its unique features and robust design principles.

Rust is a powerful, safe, and modern tool that bridges the gap between high-level productivity and low-level control. It is an excellent choice for developers looking to build reliable and efficient software.

Features of Rust

One of Rust’s standout qualities is its emphasis on memory safety without the need for a garbage collector. A concept known as the ownership model ensures that all memory allocation and ownership are resolved effectively during compile time. This eliminates many common bugs found in languages like C and C++, such as concurrent memory writes, null-pointer dereferences, and buffer overflows.

The Rust programming language also provides powerful abstractions with minimal runtime overhead, allowing developers to build highly efficient applications. Its zero-cost abstractions mean you can write high-level code without sacrificing performance. Additionally, Rust has a strong type system that helps catch errors at compile time, reducing runtime failures.

Another key aspect is Rust’s commitment to concurrency. With built-in tools to manage concurrent programming, the language allows developers to write safe multi-threaded code while avoiding data races—a common pitfall in other languages.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Rust


  1. Memory Safety: Rust ensures memory safety without using a garbage collector by using a strict ownership model and borrowing rules at compile time. This prevents null pointer dereferencing, dangling pointers, and buffer overflows, which are common sources of bugs and security vulnerabilities in other languages.
  2. Concurrency: the programming language provides powerful concurrency features through its ownership system and lightweight threads (via async/await syntax), enabling safe concurrent programming without data races.
  3. Performance: Rust compiles to native code, achieving performance comparable to C and C++. Its zero-cost abstractions and minimal runtime overhead make it suitable for performance-critical applications.
  4. Developer Productivity: Despite its emphasis on safety and performance, Rust aims to be practical and developer-friendly. Features like pattern matching, type inference, and a growing ecosystem of libraries contribute to productivity.
  5. Static Typing: Rust has a strong, static type system that catches many errors at compile time, leading to more robust code and reducing debugging time.
  6. Community and Ecosystem: Rust has a vibrant and growing community. It benefits from a rich ecosystem of libraries and tools, making it suitable for a wide range of applications from systems programming to web development.


  1. Learning Curve: The Rust programming language has a steeper learning curve compared to higher-level ones due to its ownership model, borrowing rules, and explicit lifetimes. If you studied languages with automatic memory management, you may find Rust challenging initially.
  2. Tooling and IDE Support: While Rust’s tooling has improved significantly, IDE support (like code completion and refactoring tools) may not be as mature or feature-rich compared to languages with larger ecosystems like Java or Python.
  3. Compilation Speed: The compilation times can be slower, especially for larger projects. However, efforts are ongoing to improve this aspect with compiler optimizations and incremental compilation.
  4. Ecosystem Maturity: While Rust’s ecosystem is growing rapidly, it may not have as many libraries and frameworks available as more established languages. This gap is closing as more developers adopt Rust and contribute to its ecosystem.
  5. Strictness: Rust’s borrow checker, while ensuring memory safety, can sometimes be strict and require developers to refactor code to satisfy its rules. This often leads to frustration, especially for those new to the language.
Rust programming language

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Use Cases of Rust

Rust excels in various domains due to its unique features like memory safety, concurrency, performance, and reliability.

What is the Rust programming language used for? Here are some common use cases:

System Programming:

– Operating Systems: You can use it to develop operating systems due to its low-level control over hardware and memory safety guarantees.

– Device Drivers: Rust’s memory safety features make it a compelling choice for writing device drivers where stability and reliability are crucial.

Web Development:

– Backend Services: Performance, reliability, and concurrency are essential in backend. For Rust, frameworks like Actix and Rocket are popular choices.

– Networking: Rust’s performance and safety features make it ideal for developing network applications, proxies, and servers.

Embedded Systems:

– Internet of Things (IoT): Rust offers control over low-level hardware, memory safety, and small binary size, making it suitable for IoT devices.

– Microcontrollers: It can be used to program microcontrollers, providing high-level programming features with low-level performance control.

Command-Line Tools and Utilities:

– Utilities Development: Rust is a popular option for CLI tools and utilities performance for its ease of distribution, and the ability to create standalone binaries.

– Cross-Platform Development: The portability allows developers to build CLI tools that run consistently across different platforms.

Game Development:

– Game Engines: You can leverage the Rust programming language to develop game engines due to its performance, safety features, and ability to integrate with existing C/C++ codebases.

– Simulation and Graphics: Rust’s speed and memory safety allow you to create simulation software and graphics-heavy applications.

High-Performance Computing:

– Parallel Computing: The language supports concurrency and safe parallelism so it’s well-suited for high-performance computing tasks.

– Scientific Computing: Rust can be used for scientific computing, data processing, and simulations where performance and memory safety are crucial.

Blockchain and Cryptography:

– Blockchain Development: Thanks to security features and performance, you can leverage Rust for blockchain solutions, smart contracts, and cryptocurrency applications.

– Cryptography Libraries: Rust provides a safe and efficient environment for implementing cryptographic algorithms and protocols.

Cloud Infrastructure:

– Serverless Computing: Rust can be utilized in serverless computing environments for performance-critical functions that require memory safety and efficiency.

– Microservices: The reliability and performance characteristics make the language a good choice for microservices architectures.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language known for its readability, simplicity, and versatility. It was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum.

Python’s simplicity, flexibility, and extensive ecosystem make it a popular choice for a wide range of applications, from web development to scientific computing and artificial intelligence. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, Python provides the tools you need to create robust and efficient applications.

Features of Python

It offers dynamic typing, meaning that variables can change their type while the program is running, which equals flexibility.

There is a wide range of libraries and frameworks available in Python, including NumPy for scientific tasks, Pandas for handling data, Django for building web applications, and TensorFlow for machine learning.

Python code is compatible across different operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, so it works without needing any changes.

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Advantages & Disadvantages of Python


– Easy to Learn and Use: Python has a simple syntax that is easy to read and write, making it accessible for beginners.

– Versatile: It can be used for a variety of applications, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more.

– Strong Community Support: Python has a large and active community, which means plenty of resources, libraries, and frameworks are available for developers.

– Extensive Libraries and Frameworks: There are numerous libraries and frameworks that simplify complex tasks (e.g., NumPy, Pandas, Django, Flask).

– Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python runs on various operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux without needing any changes to the code.

– Dynamic Typing: It allows you to write code quickly and flexibly, as you don’t need to declare variable types explicitly.


– Speed Limitations: Python is generally slower than compiled languages like C or C++ due to its interpreted nature. If you have performance-intensive applications, it may be a disadvantage.

– Memory Consumption: Python can consume more memory than other programming languages, which can be problematic in memory-constrained environments.

– Weak in Mobile Computing: Python is not commonly used for mobile app development compared to languages like Java or Swift. However, with external frameworks like Kyvy and PyQT, it’s possible.

– Runtime Errors: As a dynamically typed language, Python may cause runtime errors that can be difficult to catch before execution.

Use Cases of Python

– Web Development: Python programming language is widely used for building web applications. Frameworks like Django and Flask facilitate rapid development and clean design.

– Data Analysis and Visualization: Libraries such as Pandas, NumPy, and Matplotlib make Python an excellent choice for data analysis and visualization, allowing you to manipulate and visualize large datasets easily.

– Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence: With powerful libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, and Scikit-learn, Python is a leading language for developing machine learning models and AI applications.

– Scientific Computing: The language is extensively leveraged in scientific research and computational applications thanks to libraries like SciPy and SymPy, enabling complex mathematical computations and simulations.

– Scripting and Automation: You can solve scripting and automation tasks with this language, making repetitive workflow easier by writing scripts that automate processes.

– Game Development: Python is applicable to game creation, with libraries such as Pygame providing tools to build multimedia applications.

– Desktop Applications: Developers can use frameworks like Tkinter and PyQt to build cross-platform desktop applications using Python.

– Networking: The programming language is useful for network programming and developing communication protocols. Libraries like Twisted and Socket allow for efficient networking solutions.

– Internet of Things (IoT): Python is popular in IoT development due to its simplicity and ease of integrating with hardware. It is often used with microcontrollers like Raspberry Pi.

– Cybersecurity: It is frequently utilized in cybersecurity for writing scripts to automate tasks, analyze malware, and develop security tools.

Key Differences Between Rust and Python

Now that we’ve learned more about both languages, let’s compare Rust vs Python from different angles: from performance to error handling. For your convenience, we will start with a table and then dwell on each feature:

Rust vs Python


Rust is compiled into machine code and generally offers significantly faster execution speeds than Python, an interpreted language. This makes it more suitable for performance-critical applications.

The Rust programming language provides fine-grained control over memory management without a garbage collector, allowing for better optimization and performance. Python relies on automatic garbage collection, which can introduce overhead and unpredictability in performance.

Rust is designed for concurrent programming, offering features like ownership and borrowing, making it easier to write safe concurrent code without data races. At the same time, Python’s Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) can hinder true parallelism in multi-threaded programs, affecting performance.

Because of its performance advantages, Rust is often chosen for systems programming and applications requiring high performance, whereas Python is preferred for rapid development and ease of use in applications like web development, data analysis, and prototyping.

In Python vs Rust showdown, while Python is user-friendly and versatile, Rust excels in scenarios where performance and memory safety are critical.

Memory Management

Rust uses a unique ownership model with a strict compile-time checking system. It enforces rules about how memory is accessed and managed through concepts of ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes. This eliminates many common memory-related bugs such as null pointer dereferences and data races, ensuring memory safety without a garbage collector.

Python uses automatic memory management through garbage collection. The Python interpreter automatically allocates and deallocates memory as needed. This can simplify development but also introduces overhead, as garbage collection can lead to unpredictable pauses in program execution. However, the garbage collector may lead to lower performance in memory-intensive applications due to the overhead of managing memory automatically, especially in scenarios with large objects or frequent allocations and deallocations.

While Python can have memory safety issues during development, they manifest as runtime errors.

The compile-time memory management in Rust can lead to better runtime performance because it avoids the overhead associated with garbage collection. You have fine-grained control over memory allocation, which can lead to optimizations.

Rust’s ownership system helps prevent common memory-related errors at compile time, contributing to safer code. Errors such as dangling pointers or double frees are avoided.

If we compare Rust vs Python, Rust’s memory management is based on a strict ownership model that offers control and performance. In contrast, Python provides convenience through automatic garbage collection but may incur overhead and potential runtime issues.

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Ecosystem and Libraries

Python has been around for quite a long time. So it has a mature and extensive ecosystem with a vast number of libraries and frameworks available for various domains, such as web development (Django, Flask), data science (NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib), machine learning (TensorFlow, scikit-learn), and many others. This rich set of libraries allows developers to find tools for nearly any task.

Python’s libraries often offer easy integration with other technologies and languages. Its versatility allows it to be used in various environments, making it suitable for scripting, automation, and prototypes.

Rust’s ecosystem is younger compared to Python. While it is growing rapidly, the number of libraries and frameworks is still limited in certain domains. However, Rust’s package manager, Cargo, makes it easy to manage dependencies and share libraries. The community is actively working on expanding its ecosystem.

Rust libraries may only sometimes integrate as easily with existing systems, especially where Python is commonly used. However, the Rust programming language can create highly performant components that can be called from other languages, including Python, which offers a bridge between the two ecosystems.

In summary, Python boasts a more mature and extensive ecosystem with a variety of libraries, making it versatile for many applications, while Rust has a growing ecosystem focused on performance and safety but with fewer libraries available at present.

Community and Support

Python has a large and diverse community of developers, which contributes to extensive documentation, tutorials, and forums. This makes it easier for newcomers to learn and find help.

Its users also benefit from various support channels, including Stack Overflow, specialized forums, mailing lists, and numerous community-driven platforms. Many libraries and frameworks have dedicated support spaces where you can seek help and share knowledge.

If we compare Python vs Rust, the latter has a passionate and supportive community as well, but it is smaller than Python’s. Documentation is robust, and the community encourages learning and collaboration, which is very helpful for new users. Rust has established support channels, including the Rust Users Forum, Discord server, and Stack Overflow too.

In summary, Python has a larger, more diverse community with a wealth of resources and support options, making it easier for newcomers to learn and find assistance. Rust, while smaller, has a passionate community focused on safety and performance, offering strong support and resources tailored to its unique characteristics.

Tooling and Development Environment

Python supports various Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and code editors, such as PyCharm, Visual Studio Code, and Jupyter Notebook. These tools offer features like code completion, debugging, and interactive shell, which enhance productivity and streamline the development process.

While Python has profiling and debugging tools available (like cProfile and PyCharm’s debugger), its interpreted nature may limit performance optimization capabilities. Developers often use external libraries like NumPy or Cython to achieve better performance in computational tasks.

Rust has its own set of tools, with the most notable being Cargo, the Rust package manager and build system. Cargo automates dependency management, builds, and testing, making it central to Rust development. IDE support is also growing, with editors like Visual Studio Code and IntelliJ Rustover.

The language’s tooling provides robust performance analysis tools like cargo bench and cargo clippy for linting, helping developers maintain high performance and code quality. Moreover, the strict compile-time checks promote performance-oriented coding practices from the outset.


Rust offers performance close to C/C++, making it highly efficient for large-scale applications. Its memory safety features also allow for managing resources without significant overhead.

While easier to write, Rust can struggle with performance in CPU-bound tasks due to its interpreted nature. Scalability may require additional tools like C extensions or moving to asynchronous frameworks.

In terms of Python vs Rust comparison, the latter is often preferred for performance-critical applications that require scalability, while Python excels in rapid development and ease of use, particularly in data-driven and web applications. The choice depends on the specific needs of the project.


Python is very popular, and widely used in various domains such as web development, data science, machine learning, and automation. Its user base spans from beginners to experts. According to the Stack Overflow survey, 49% of developers are using Python.

At the same time, Rust is still gaining popularity, especially in systems programming and performance-critical applications. While its community is passionate, it is smaller compared to Python.

Here is the latest Stack Overflow survey showing the most popular programming languages:

Stack Overflow survey showing popularity of the Rust programming language

Error Handling

Python primarily uses exceptions for error handling. When an error occurs, it raises an exception that can be caught using try and except blocks. The errors can be propagated up the call stack using raise, and developers can choose to handle them at various levels.

The language handles errors at run-time, meaning that it may encounter issues only when the error condition is executed in the code.

In the Rust vs Python comparison, the first one relies on a combination of Result and Option types for error handling. Errors are handled explicitly, making it clear whether a function can fail or not.

 Rust uses the ? operator to propagate errors from a function that returns a Result. This provides a clear control flow and reduces boilerplate code for error handling. It identifies them at compile-time, enforcing handling of possible error scenarios through the type system. This increases reliability by catching errors early.

What about custom errors? Python supports custom exceptions, allowing you to define your error types that can be raised and captured.

Rust also allows the creation of custom error types by implementing the std::error::Error trait, providing detailed error information.


When comparing Rust vs Python, speed also matters.

Python is generally slower due to its interpreted nature. The language compiles lines of code into internal bytecode before execution, and only then executes it. Rust compiles source code into processor instructions (not some bytecode, but from a specific processor), and therefore execution is faster.

However, Python took another step towards acceleration. In the latest version 3.13, instead of full AOT (ahead of time) compilation before execution, they used JIT (just in time) compilation. The approach speeds up work by 2-9% because Python is going to execute only what is compiled.   

Also, Python offers limited optimization options compared to compiled languages. While there are libraries like Cython or PyPy that can speed things up, they may not be as effective as native compilation.

Compiled to machine code, Rust runs much faster. Rust’s performance is closer to that of languages like C and C++. It provides significant opportunities for optimizations via its powerful compiler (rustc) that adds advanced optimization techniques during compilation.

Rust Vs. Python – Which Programming Language Should You Choose & When?

In the ongoing debate between Rust and Python, you need to align your choice with the specific needs of your project. 

Choose Python when:

– Rapid development is a priority, particularly for applications such as web development or data analysis.

– You need extensive libraries and frameworks, which Python offers, making it an excellent choice for tasks like machine learning, data science, or automation.

– Team familiarity with the language is high, allowing for quicker onboarding and execution.

On the other hand, choose Rust when:

– Performance and efficiency are critical, especially in systems programming, game development, or resource-constrained environments.

– You require memory safety and concurrency without sacrificing speed, making Rust ideal for multi-threaded applications.

– You are working on apps where long-term maintainability and safety are paramount.

After comparing Python vs Rust, we can see that both languages have their unique strengths and ideal use cases. Rust shines in scenarios demanding performance and safety, while Python offers unparalleled ease and speed for development. By considering the specific requirements of your project and the skill set of your team, you can make an informed decision that maximizes productivity and delivers a robust solution.

Do you need to build a product using Rust or Python? Reach out to us and let’s work together on your next project.

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