How much your project costs

If you need to create a great design, to develop a website or an app, create a great profitable product but don’t know know how much it’ll cost. Just path this simple test and answer several question.

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How Much Does It Cost to Build A Website Or A Web Application?

3D Illustration: Animation Software

Your website is the face of your business. It showcases your products and services, attracts users and customers, and at the end of the day, establishes your place in the industry.

Start-ups and growing enterprises often have limited resources, so one of their first questions about web development is “how much.” Usually, you need to estimate many features, and it takes time to get an approximate price list for studio services.

With our website and web app calculator, we’re ready to provide an answer immediately. We tried to make a tool that considers as many individual factors as possible so that you will get an accurate project cost and time assessment.

Find Out Approximate Costs In A Minute

Before you kickstart a project, planning the development and design processes based on your goals is essential. The plan will help the team use the budget effectively and connect tasks with possible expenses. Our calculator estimates website or web app costs in 8 simple questions. All of them are based on the factors that affect outsourced development. We designed the tool so you can find a suitable and cost-effective solution for your businesses. Answer the eight questions to get your estimations in just a few clicks.

Lonely Walls

Development Cost Calculator

Creating a website or web application from scratch is different from working with an existing digital project. There will be more stages and more expenses. If you have never created a project anew, it will be hard to make estimations. The website costs calculator helps evaluate the approximate time and costs for both cases: creating a new product from scratch and expanding and changing the existing product.

If your project is outdated, a pro-level website development company can add and expand the current features or demolish the product to resurrect it on another platform.

What if you don’t have a website or a web app yet? With an experienced team, you can start a professionally-looking project immediately. As for Shakuro, we’re not just designing an application. We create the potential for your company. Although custom development of websites is what we thrive on, our pages built on ready-made CMS like WordPress are also a spectacular sight. All that you need to do is choose the most cost-effective way to use the calculator.

Prefer non-standard methods? We can combine custom solutions with pre-built website development as well. For example, craft a platform from scratch but use a WordPress theme for its blog page to cut expenses and speed up the development process.

Additional Features Cost Calculator

Every project has a different toolkit. With the website calculator, you can choose various additional features, such as an admin panel, live-streaming, a blog, the ability to make reservations or schedule events, and many more. In the end, you get a flexible price for all services.

Design Process Cost Calculator

How much does a website cost in terms of design? Visual is a thing that everyone “gets” and has to say something about, but only design professionals truly understand.

With our cooperative approach, you choose what we can change about web design. An important thing to understand about website design costs is that the process is flexible: we could either work with your mockups, craft the project’s interface by ourselves, or don’t touch it at all and keep it original. The number of pages or screens for a website also influences the expenses.

The process consists of several stages: footwork, mood board, prototyping, and final design product. Footwork is a stage when we collect information on the market and target audience to keep the future design in a loop of the user's focus and plan website development costs.

Then, we create a mood board, and designers gather relevant patterns and set the vectors for an entire project. It’s a stage where our vision is aligned with one of the clients. Prototyping includes UI/UX design implications, usability testing, and validation. The final design product is the stage where the polished web design is approved and handed off to developers.

Pet App

Illustration & Animation Cost Calculator

If a design solves business problems and fine art predicts the future, then website illustrations are a golden middle. For additional value, we can implement animated elements and transitions to your website and 2D and 3D illustrations.

3D art and animation have been featured in numerous UI design trends, and more and more businesses include them on their landing pages. When realism is combined with animation, it creates a striking sight that attracts users. Detailed 2D illustrations serve the same purpose, but they are more classy.

However, keep in mind that advanced art will increase the website development costs. Beauty requires sacrifice, or so they say.

Branding Cost Calculator

A meaningful brand is what helps you take control of your audience. It is a process of an in-depth market study, customers, possible niches, product characteristics — anything that can act as magnets. It’s easier to win the users’ hearts if your company has a personality. Branding gives a company a unique tone of voice. The lack of it often results in a product looking like a faceless copy-paste blob.

Creating a brand is one of the options you can choose when using the online website calculator. It’s a go-to option for the digital product with a custom web application development to increase visibility and find your own distinctive, one-of-a-kind personal identity.

Summing up, it’s wise to get a clearer picture before making the first move. Find out how many resources you will have to spend to build a website, and discover what services influence the web development costs.