Where to Outsource Web Development: India or Rest of the World

With the internet being on top of business essentials nowadays, it makes perfect sense that a growing company takes care of its online presence. Whether it is a social media activity, a mobile app, or a website, progressing without them seems merely impossible.


Why outsource website or software development

Any major city in the world today has professionals capable of putting together a website to represent your business on the web. However, what if your business is the web? An online store is no different from a regular store except for the estate that becomes entirely virtual. So your main distribution tool is at the same time your only representation.

With the growth of opportunities come the requirements to evolve and they grow exponentially as you reach further. The more complicated it gets the more investments they require. You can leverage these costs by shifting the balance point towards a smaller payment while (ideally) retaining the quality of the product. And if IT is a worldwide industry, outsourcing your website or software development, maintenance, and support makes sense.

So the fair question rises up:

Outsource app development cost in India

Is there a place in the world where you can pay less?

Compradorship is deeply rooted within globalization and international business. And the gap between payers and doers is sometimes immense.

Web development exudes worldwide integration. The Internet has got us all connected and behaving in the similar ways online which is one of the few things on the planet that demonstrate that sort of solidarity. You can find a genius developer, a coding prodigy, or a UX visionary in any spot of the globe.
The issue is:

How to find and recognize skilled professionals among remote developers?

Unearthing information is not a problem, getting aggregated feedback and statistics is not either, gaining some first-hand emulated experience is a guaranteed method, but not everyone can afford it. You can trust visual presentation, but it does not reflect the workflow. Your exploration should start beyond just your focus area. Studying the periphery is the key to evaluation.

Web Development in India: cost and quality

India is the country that made a gigantic leap from agricultural country to one of the leading providers of IT service and BPO (business process outsourcing) in the world.

The IT sector in India is generating 2.5 million direct employments. India is now one of the biggest IT capitals of the modern world and all the major players in the world IT industry are present in the country.
With Bangalore considered “The Silicon Valley of India” there’s no doubt in a number of enterprises to select your outsourced team from. The real challenge though is in finding the balance of low cost and quality. Hitting the rock-bottom price can be tempting but you risk to compromise performance and plant the seed of pain for the future. On the other hand, hiring top-notch agencies is not what you would usually come to that region for. Even though the financial investment into a premium company outsourcing to India can still be lower than in the one in the US or Western Europe, the ratio has to be significant in order to justify the remote nature of a project.

There is no other way around in breaking down such a massive subject without generalizing. We went through our personal experience as well as the experience of the people we trust to come up with such analysis.

So here are some reasons for and against outsourcing web development to India.

Why outsource to India:

  • Costs of developing in India

    This is the main reason for outsourcing in the first place. Receiving a product and paying only a fraction of the price you could have paid at home is very appetizing. The cost flexibility depends on various factors so it’s better to do a specific research and figure out things to slack on and reinforce beforehand.

  • Human resource

    As said above, India is tremendously packed with IT specialists which means you are unlikely to face any sort of stuff shortage due to fluctuations and job rotations. However, this comes with the challenge of evaluation which can be compromised in accuracy unless you hire a local HR-specialist, which goes beyond just a development outsourcing.

Why outsource to Europe and not India:

  • Technical development part

    Get your blueprint game on. The characteristic feature of outsourced development in India is their work ethic. Your team will follow the detailed specs you provide up to a tee. That shifts responsibility off of them in terms of ideology and covers purely technical part. If you are fine with outsourcing code, this might be a way to go but again, this is not what is considered “development”.

  • UI/UX design services

    One of the core services we provide is UI and UX design. These are the most visual parts of web applications and the ones that form the feel of a website. It’s extremely important that the web apps delivered for the US and Europe are relevant for the general public of those countries. Culturally, India is very different from the western countries and unless designers are specifically trained to cater to the western user, they are more capable of copying the design of website you provide as the inspiration, rather than creating a unique one.

  • Communication policy

    Time issues. Not only geographical time zone differences, but the perception of time due to the local specifics can cause problems. And those problems might not be easily dealt with indirect communication. You can avoid a huge chunk of problems with grasping the message of verbal communication just by utilizing strict writing communication policy. This in its turn compromises quick reaction to problems which might be a serious issue on the later stages of a project.

How to choose the right country to outsource web development to

Your commitment to finding or building a perfect outsourced team for web development in India will most likely lead to a good result and the experience of numerous multinational companies has shown that, but the time and effort you will have to put into that work might nullify the process itself, or only pay back in the long run.

If you are looking to delegate your web development to a developing country (no pun intended), save on the budget but can’t afford long-time polishing and cultivating the team, don’t have enough resource to hire local management for that team and implement a custom workflow, perhaps it’s better for you to look towards Eastern Europe.

By no means do we try to degrade Indian specialists. Some of the issues are not unique to that part of the world and depend more on the class of the development community in a country, rather than its geographical location. However, dealing with cultural and lifestyle differences in a lot of aspects does not have to be the part of your outsourcing experience. Perhaps, as we reach further towards integration these differences will be diminished, but as of now staying on the safe side means outsourcing your web development to Europe.

We Do It Better At Shakuro:

With cost saving being the key reason to outsource in the first place, there is a bunch of variables beyond the cost issues that ultimately affect the success of your outsourced project. Outsourcing to India might be a reasonable option financially, but not the best option in terms of productivity and performance. There is a better way and this is how we’ve come to it:

  • Building the prototype. There is nothing closer to a final product than a working prototype. The beautiful thing about it is it can be built early on. Some prefer hiring freelance UI/UX designers. We have an in-house team of designers and they set the pace for the outsourced project. Not to mention the smooth and seamless transition from the design stage to development – a rare thing in a freelancer co-work scenario. If you enjoy the prototype, expect to get the same in code.
  • Scrums. There is no such thing as miscommunication in our team. We run 3 two-storeyed offices at a walking distance to each other and we encourage lively discussions, reasonable disputes, and questions. Same applies to our clients, we are ready to communicate, have scrums, and meetings at any schedule.
  • No Behind-The-Scene Policy. We don’t hide team members from our clients. Instead, we encourage contact and speaking in the first person when it comes to personal product input. We fight hard against the language barrier and teach our employees openness and complete outsourced project immersion.
  • Long-term relationships. We look to establish those regardless of the size and magnitude of an outsourced development project. Our biggest accolade is a returning customer. With them, we try to arrange a face-to-face meeting, take it beyond just an outsourced team scenario, and benefit mutually from it.
  • Strict No-Red-Tape Policy. We’ve developed a legal procedure to secure both parties, but we never push it. We’ve had the experience of working based on trust and good will. Ultimately, our main goal is a great product.
  • Flexible development methodologies. Over the years we’ve mastered multiple product development methodologies and engagement models. Whether it’s Scrum or Agile, Time & Material or Fixed Price. What is best for our client’s business and fits our workflow is the way to go.
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Written by Shakuro Team

January 24, 2017

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