Perfect Client Partnership Tips

The toughest test for a Company’s appeal is the process of its client initiation. Over the years we have evolved not only on the level of technical proficiency and design sensitivity, but also in how we approach our relationships with clients. There is no blueprint for how to create great personal bond on top of the beneficial business relationship, but there is certainly a plan you can follow to establish the best client/vendor relationship.


Every new client is different and unique in their own way not only because they often represent the most unexpected business ideas you can imagine in all sorts of spheres of life, but they all have different vision of the development process, different levels of involvement they operate on, and different input data.

What It Takes To Be Our Perfect Client

One thing in common for all the projects is they all have a logic and idea that need to be capitalized on. We offer a super flexible approach for project handling, where basically any business that has online presence can benefit from our service.

We provide the following web development services:

  • Startup guidance
  • MVP development
  • Enterprise solutions development
  • Website porting
  • Code maintenance & code review

We are excited about every project we get involved with and equally effectively dive into any development stage. Some are more appealing though. So let’s talk about starting from scratch as this is arguably the most important scenario and the one that sets the stage for the future.

Shakuro’s priority to startups

We love startups. They are all unique in their own way and thus, present an unlimited source of promising ideas and opportunities. It’s important to kick things off with a positive opening.

Tip 1. Make A Startup Scenario

  • You come up with an idea of how to enhance your online presence and make a better product for your customers.
  • You settle things down with your partners/investors/family, etc.
  • You figure out what your first step would be.
  • You do your research of the market, analyze competition, and see where your idea stands.
  • You have your initial budget to throw in.

Tip 2. Commit To Finding A Good Development Agency

After you made a clear statement of your future project, your next challenge would be finding a good executive team. Now, there are thousands of digital agencies offering the same service, but the quality of it differs drastically, so identifying your perfect development team is a crucial moment.
Things to look at when deciding which agency to go with:

  • Broad spectrum of engagement models – from hourly-rated development hiring to a full extended team model.
  • Diverse showcase of successful projects in different spheres of life.
  • Direct and immediate response to your request, no templated replies.
  • Transparent price and terms policy presentation.
  • Genuine enthusiasm for your project.

We provide an immediate response to any query with maximum involvement as we consider time a huge factor and are not wasting any. Right away, we provide a project manager, either familiar with the industry you are in, or the one who qualifies best for the job. Our in-house team of designers requires no warm-up and is ready to go with your project as well. One of the benefits of having a complete team and not relying on freelancers is the fluidity your project gets from the get-go.

Tip 3. Define Early Project Management Services

Your assigned Project Manager is responsible for the initial move including:

  • Meticulous project research.
  • Persona creation.
  • UX pathways stipulation.
  • Wireframing in cooperation with our designers.
  • Functional prototype production.

At this stage we are looking to establish the project manifest we can further rely on. As an agile team utilizing rapid development techniques, we use the documented information as our blueprint that states the following assets:

  • Define short-term goals.
  • Define long-term goals.
  • Define terminology.
  • Model the UX journey.
  • Design critical path.
  • Build prototype.
  • Initiate further development.

Tip 4. Create A Project Roadmap

As a natural outcome of the early prototyping stages, you get a complete library of knowledge on how the process is arranged. The next step is putting those into a complete plan of the design and development process.
The roadmap represents a guide to your idea becoming a forged live product by acknowledging the following tasks:

  • Come up with unique design or incorporate it from your business identity.
  • Create development implementation plan.
  • Add a viable presentation with testing abilities, convincing enough to persuade or attract potential investors.

Tip 5. Confirm Partnership

As we said, our level of involvement is diverse and flexible, depending entirely on the scope of your project. Furthermore, we can morph with our engagement status as your project gains momentum. At times, we can even invest development into the ideas we really love and believe in.

We put it all on the line with our best designers and developers investing into your project regardless of the stage and scope. Once agreed upon terms, we are ready to go and build your project according to the blueprint. Every step of the process is transparent, documented, and reported so you get a 360-degree outlook of your project course.

We believe in our clients’ vision and we are ready to bring up our experience that helps you make the right choices and solve complex issues. So don’t hesitate to reach out to us, share your idea, and bring your project to life.

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Written by Shakuro Team

March 13, 2017

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