Select: Exclusive community with perks for business and life
SELECT is a black card membership community with benefits for business and recreational travelers, nightlife aficionados, restaurant connoisseurs, and people with active social life.

About the project
How to stand out where everyone is standing out
In the world of private clubs and membership communities, it’s hard to impress someone with expensive style and find ways to be different. SELECT was different from the very start. A performance-driven team managed to build a product that would impress even the most savvy audience.
The SELECT card and community was in the state of hyper-growth when they reached out to us for a rebrand. Their current identity at a time lacked depth, flexibility, and class. Their business model already involved a lot of personal interaction with users through the Concierge feature and our mission was to design a wholesome identity system encapsulating all of their touchpoints.

Design philosophy
A perfect blend of modern tech and natural omnitemporality
Upon brand research, we have found inspiration in edginess of modern technology and timeless tranquility of natural materials. The combination of the two became the staple of the design work four year to come.
Design features
Dark theme
Natural brand textures
Versatile physical applications
Consistent theming of app and website
Large-scale graphics
Titanium card & packaging design

Brand identity inspiration
The SELECT target audience featured a specific set of attributes that provide a versatile but streamlined visual reference. Hard edges and soft materials. Natural chaotic shapes versus precise mathematical patterns. Triumph of human engineering against timelessness of natural enigma.

From concepts to symbols
Finding beauty in monumental objects, both created by nature and man was the most exciting part of the discovery. We particularly looked for shapes and references that universally reflect the three attributes of the brand: luxurious, innovative, and cultural.

Final lockup
The attributes do not always have to equally share visual value. Some appear to be more valuable. In this case, the SELECT brand felt more represented in a luxurious, innovative combo, so the final lockup came to be as an elegant timeless symbol and a tech wordmark.

The symbol is a stylized version of the S glyph with greater contrast and a bright accent. The construction of the symbol is based on the two concentric circles. The 3D effect was added to the main version to emphasize materials and dimension.

After a few experiments with modern tech fonts, we have modified a version of a sans serif font with omissions and custom spacing.

As a digital-first company, SELECT does not produce a lot of physical content, so the few items that they produce are special in every way.

A huge part of the SELECT operations is promoting public events, running special programs, and providing the best partnerships possible for their clients. These co-branded posters represent the dexterity of SELECT’s social events.

Titanium card
The staple of SELECT membership is a personal engraved titanium card that grants its owners exclusive perks, discounts, special offers, and VIP passes on dining, nightlife, hotels, and more.

Ideas & concepts
We wanted to capture the exclusivity of the perks the SELECT titanium card grants. To do so, we looked closely into the combinations of natural materials, expensive treatments of different elements, and detailed packaging. The final version turned out minimal and based on the microtexture of metal that plays differently at different angles.

Mobile app design
The core of the SELECT user experience is the mobile app that goes along with the card and provides members access to the premier locations on an interactive map, a 24/7 concierge, and access to exclusive events, pricing, and perks at over 1.6 million partners.

The SELECT rebrand turned out to be a great idea from start to finish. The newer audience received a complete and consistent visual experience across all of the brand touchpoints and the returning members got a chance to update together with the company.c

Customer Testimonial
Our members loved the new iOS app. Our ratings shot up in the App Store from a 3.8 rating to a 4.8 ratingCarlo CiscoFounder & CEO, SELECT