Software Development For Healthcare That Improves Life Quality

You have a concept — we have the means for implementation. Take advantage of our services to create a unique and engaging product that will make people’s lives easier. While retaining a noble cause, boost your business growth and upgrade marketing strategies.

Mobile app development for healthcare

Mobile app development for healthcare

About 30% of adult Americans use a health or fitness app monthly. That’s why creating such software would really juice up your business. Here, you can rely on the Shakuro team. We have been working with both platforms since 2008, providing healthcare app development services of complex difficulty. Our developers utilize the best features of iOS and Android to deliver a unique product that meets your requirements. High security standards and user-friendly design corresponding to the latest UI/UX trends will take your app a step ahead of competitors.

Healthcare web development & web platforms

Healthcare web development & web platforms

It will provide additional marketing channels and represent your brand on the Internet. Moreover, websites are also alternative means to get an appointment: around 80% of people book their visits online. To build a gorgeous-looking website with a convenient user flow, the Shakuro developers use top-notch tools like Ruby on Rails, WordPress, and other frameworks with high performance. At the same time, we do our best to find a balance between innovative approaches and proven methodologies while still holding affordable prices for our partners.

Custom healthcare software development

Custom healthcare software development
Custom healthcare software development

The application must have a few aces in the toolkit to win the users hearts. Apart from regular features like appointment booking, it’s wise to offer achievements, integrations with wearable devices, exercises, etc. Without a custom development approach, it’ll be impossible to add them safely. Our team members are well-versed in programming languages, frameworks, and website third-party integrations. The enormous field experience allows us to balance cutting-edge features, performance, and scalability to create a truly powerful app toolkit.


Why custom design is important

To stand out from the crowd, your product should also be easily recognizable. Still, it should reflect the company’s brand, identity, and values. No ready-made template is able to provide those features. In this case, you need a custom design approach to maintain the Internet presence. Our designers have an in-depth understanding of the UI/UX principles, color theory, and meaning of the design itself in various contexts. As a result, the team delivers a one-of-a-kind product with a solid-looking story, powerful toolkit, and eye-catchy appearance.

Benefits of healthcare app development

Healthcare and wellness mobile applications are extremely beneficial and highly appreciated by millions of people since they help improve life quality. However, such software is profitable not only for patients. It’s high time to create one if:

You own a medical business

Developing an app will increase users’ loyalty and engagement because they will have an easier time getting an appointment and information about the clinic’s services. The software and website will also boost marketing and business growth: attract new customers, retain the old ones, collect their data and gather statistics. It will also be a nice addition to the existing website. Moreover, the application will shorten people’s paths toward your company.

You own a medical business

You are a wellness startup

Developing a healthcare app is a perfect idea for kickstarting a business. Its global market sector is expected to reach $7,656 billion by 2030. That’s why creating a convenient website or software on the corresponding topic will help you win a place under the sun for future projects. However, thanks to the solid looks, the first product also has a high chance of becoming evergreen on the market and bringing a stable income.

You are a wellness startup

You want to upgrade your healthcare application

If it looks outdated, it cuts off a significant part of potential users. Instead of trashing the idea, consider a complete overhaul. Revamping the UI design and adding demanded features will grant the software another chance. It will start to attract and engage potential users, converting them into clients. Old customers might also return thanks to the fresh looks and extended toolkit. As a result, it’s a great opportunity for leveling up your business too.

You want to upgrade your healthcare application

Our values

The principles described below serve as beacons and help us ensure the highest quality of the final product. During healthcare software development, all teams rely on these statements to obtain a solid understanding of our services and approaches.

Pro-level quality of work

Our team consists of seasoned professionals with more than ten years of experience coding and designing various apps, including wellness software. We always stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in app development to ensure the highest quality of our services. We believe that the success of your products opens the way to our success too.

In-depth knowledge of the market

The ability to “read” users’ minds and predict their actions is more crucial than catchy design. Understanding and solving people’s pain is the key to creating a popular healthcare app. We build our products where every piece has a role, not just a facade. By combining the latest demands and trends, our product stands at the top of the market food chain.

Adaptability and respect for strict deadlines

Software development is closely connected with risks, where one can not foresee all the obstacles. That’s why being flexible is a great advantage: we do our best to adapt to various circumstances and find a way out while still maintaining the concept’s integrity. At the same time, our team pays attention to the declared deadlines and respects them accordingly.

Client-first approach

We prefer regarding our clients as business partners. In healthcare mobile app development, the team always listens to all incoming ideas and desired changes. And vice versa, the designers provide a fine-grained explanation about the decisions and project course. We strive to create a product that meets all the requirements while being viable on the market.