Shakuro CEO Interview With GoodFirms


Recently, Shakuro CEO Kostya Stepanov had an exclusive interview with GoodFirms where he shared his vision on reasons for Shakuro’s progress.
Proffering digital solutions, Shakuro originated in 2006 is based in Seattle, US. The company caters with mobile apps and websites services to clients from ecommerce, art communities, web services, sports, games, and finance. The professionals study the aims of a client before they start and work on the projects where they can support. The goal is to help businesses build relationships with their online buyers through great design and technical performance. Moreover, the professional team at Shakuro helps the clients to remodel their online presence, appeal to a specific audience, and get financed. To do that, the unit relies on aesthetic design, hardcore development, and unstoppable business ethic.
Shakuro’s strongest suit is full-cycle web development. That means the clients can take a project from its initial idea, create the brand, design the experience, wrap it all in code, and launch the output. Shakuro has used the power of UI/UX design to help clients monetize their platforms better. The team has redesigned a website for Proko, an online drawing school, rebranded and redesigned CGMA, a professional CG art academy, redesigned a website for 3DSENSE, a leading 3D art school in Asia, and have a bunch of open-ended design projects.
View Shakuro’sGoodFirms’ profile to get aware of the services and other parameters of the company.
GoodFirms’ team interviewed Kostya Stepanov, the CEO and the founder of Shakuro. Kostya not only gave a brief introduction to the company but also revealed the idea behind the inception of the company along with its business model that makes Shakuro unique from other companies. Talking about the concept that was the reason to start the company, Kostya and his team thought of starting a company rather than working on freelance projects, and that’s how Shakuro was originated. Moreover, Kostya proudly says, “We are an in-house team with occasional involvement in third-party vendor collaborations.” A passion for disruption sparked Kostya Stepanov to move from Seattle and to make Shakuro one of the world’s largest technology companies, which was a much smaller company in its initial time. The result is that “It has been a phenomenal journey,” Kostya confirms.
Shakuro is a technology-driven company but also prides itself on its client-focused services and ability to inspire creativity. Kostya believes that creativity is for all; he says, “and we unlock creativity through technology.” He continues to say by adding to the above statement that for the past 14 years, the company had the pleasure of working with a great variety of people. They had everything from pet projects for students to enterprise applications for large multinational companies. Besides this, the company caters to clients from different verticals like Ecommerce, Education, Finance, Healthcare, and Sports. With the quality service offerings, the professionals at Shakuro are successful in maintaining client-retention rates between 70-75%. Some of the collaborations have been lasting for more than five years.
Reflecting on his journey, Kostya says he feels blessed as the company has been able to work across the markets of Russia, Europe, and the USA. Furthermore, talking about the services rendered to the clients, Kostya proudly mentions the web development and mobile app development services accouched locally and at a global level. “We help our clients deliver world-class apps,” – says the CEO of Shakuro. For more than ten years, the expert team at Shakuro has built and released beautiful and engaging apps for both Android and iOS. The app developers are well-acquainted with these platforms inside out; therefore, they can make apps that create an urge for users to keep coming back.
Kostya proudly mentions that Shakuro holds expertise that evolves along with the technology, but the core mission will always be to build beautiful, intuitive, reliable applications. Moreover, the mobile app development team includes specialists in iOS and Android, who employ the best features of both platforms to make sure clients get original and consistent experiences. Such a dynamic approach makes Shakuro earn a name among the leading mobile app developers in Washington at GoodFirms.
The review obtained at GoodFirms proves the capabilities of the app developers at Shakuro.
Kostya, without fail, also mentions web development services that grab the users’ attention at the national level. He adds to this by citing that Shakuro has a good background in building a wide variety of web products from small personal websites to substantial web applications that work on any device anywhere in the world. The professional web developers’ team holds a tremendous experience developing for the web using Ruby on Rails (our primary development tool) and other popular frameworks. Moreover, the team truly believes that the website industry takes itself to another level by the altitude of the standards it sets. The group of expert developers strives to modernize, reinvent, and refurbish web development with cutting-edge technologies, methodologies, and development trends. The integration of third-party services allows clients to benefit from the entire industry talent.
Moreover, the development team lined up at Shakuro is capable of refurbishing any existing web application to fit the metamorphic character of cyberspace. They leverage any startup idea, whether that is an eCommerce platform, an artist community website, or a line-of-business web application. Thus, Shakuro accouches quality built to code with endless growth opportunities which will soon lead the firm amongst the top web developers in USA at GoodFirms.
Having gone through the detailed conversation between Kostya and GoodFirms interviewer, one can also have a glance at the comprehensive interview published at GoodFirms.
About GoodFirms
Washington, D.C. based GoodFirms is a maverick B2B research and reviews firm that aligns its efforts in finding the top web development and mobile app development agencies delivering unparalleled services to its clients. GoodFirms’ extensive research process ranks the companies, boosts their online reputation, and helps service seekers pick the right technology partner that meets their business needs.
Written by Anna Stark

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Written by Kate Shokurova

May 21, 2020

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